Roberto Schembri, figlio d’arte, si laurea in Architettura senza trascurare mai la sua passione per la pittura. Le sue tematiche si alternano tra scenari naturalistici ed urbani, volti e corpi, nature morte e raffigurazioni di contesti che suscitano in lui curiosità ed emozione. Le sue opere trasmettono la visione di una pittura immediata, bella e senza tempo. Prestando estrema attenzione al gioco dei contrasti egli è sempre alla continua ricerca del piacere visivo nelle forme e nei colori.

Roberto Schembri, son of an artistic family, lives and paints in Agrigento. Though he has obtained a university degree in Architecture, he has never neglected to cultivate his passion for art. His artistic productions include a variety of themes, ranging from landscapes and urban scenery, portraits and human figures, still life and representations of contexts that arouse his curiosity and emotions.
His paintings convey the vision that art is understandable, aesthetically fulfilling and timeless, in which strong colours imbued in a warm and soft light overwhelm the observer’s eye and soul.
Paying great attention to the play of contrasts of colour, the Sicilian artist is consistently searching visual delight with shapes and colors, aware of their power.